Close your eyes to all that surrounds you. Close your senses to your current reality. Quiet your mind and breathe deeply and slowly. Now, welcome a serene image into your mind. See it, hear it, smell it. Feel yourself into a place of peace… and let the peace of that place permeate your heart and mind and spirit.
When you find yourself at peace, I encourage you to offer to God this prayer:
Open my lips that I may sing with joy your Good News.
Open my hands that I may reach out to my brothers and sisters.
Open my eyes that I may recognize Christ in the face of each and every person.
And open my heart that I may live out your purpose through my life.
In moments of quiet reflection, I thank God for the gifts that abound in blessed work, the wonder of this awesome creation all around me, and the precious ministry with which I have been entrusted. We are the body of Christ; his hands, feet, mind and heart in this wonderful world. Let's breathe in, drink in and give thanks for each amazing day as we continue to be co-creators with God in this excellent adventure together.
Amazing things abound in this world, and I believe we are called to celebrate God and to be thankful. This spring, I hope our time together will remind us again that God’s love is all around us and through the efforts of our community this love can be magnified, reflected, and shared with the world.
I am proud to be part of a church of people who care for one another the best we can. Thank you to everyone who is part of this effort. The First Congregational Church in Falmouth exists because of thoughtful people who work hard to make it happen. Your efforts are recognized, and they are appreciated. And I hope you know at the First Congregational Church, after we have prayerfully said thank you for God’s amazing and welcome grace, we long to celebrate with you the hope filled possibilities tomorrow is bringing to us! For this is the Good News!
Go now and live,
Hello and welcome to the first issue of the Good News! I hope that you will find all the good news our committees and groups are doing here at First Congregational Church of Falmouth! If you find something that interests you, I encourage you to reach out and become involved.
I give many thanks to Laura for developing this e-newsletter! Enjoy!
Strategic Planning has been meeting since August and has determined that many ideas and goals tend to overlap. The crux of what we need is growth, and that is difficult in a time when people are moving more and more away from organized religion. While we cannot change the tide of society, we can and are a pillar in the community for meetings and social gatherings. We have focused on how to partner with the community at large and invite people into our church for events.
We are partnering with local bookstore, Eight Cousins, to host an author conversation in our sanctuary on April 7 at 7pm. Author Margaret Rankl will be in conversation with childhood friend, Mark Long, Dean of Education at Sea Education. There will be a book signing that follows, with a portion of the proceeds of books sold that evening to benefit the church. Our hope is to build a relationship with Eight Cousins for future talks and eventually turn it into a revenue source for the church. Many thanks to Lysbeth Abrams for coordinating this event.
In the future, we plan to host some gatherings after service where the entire congregation will be invited to participate and be heard on various topics.
Katie Dreyer, Moderator
We are pleased to announce the Church’s hiring of a part-time Financial Administrator, Jennifer Beth Kelly, starting April 1, 2024. A native of Falmouth Heights, Jennifer graduated from Babson College, magna cum laude, with a BS in both Economics & Investments. She is a part-time employee for the Church of the Messiah in Woods Hole, where she is the Bookkeeper & Financial Recorder since 2018. Her experience with QuickBooks and Excel, as well as working with confidential church bank and investment accounts, makes her a wonderful addition to our church office staff.
Jennifer is also a Yoga Teacher & Wellness Coach, where she offers private sessions and public classes in the local community. She has been teaching and practicing yoga and meditation for over 25 years; an example is the highly popular monthly Sound Healing events that she leads at Highfield Hall & Gardens.
Jennifer will work with Tom Durham, FCC’s Treasurer. She will be a valued member of our staff with her work to include cutting checks and reconciling bank accounts. Her hours will be flexible, but if you happen to see her in the office please come in and say hello.
We ask that if you have questions about your own pledges to the church, wish to make a special donation, or request a reimbursement. that you continue to talk with Tom Durham, Treasurer, [Note: if you have questions about the church calendar or using a church space, please continue to talk with Laura Cole, Rev. Jonathan Drury, and Katie Dreyer.]
Please join us in welcoming Jennifer to our church!
Trustee’s Search Committee for a Financial Administrator:
Carol Erhardt, Chair
Tom Durham, Treasurer and Board of Trustees
Rev. Jonathan Drury
Carol Mills, former Treasurer and Chair Investment Subcommittee
Susann Patterson, former Treasurer and Auditing Committee
The Cape Cod Council of Churches (CCCC) is a charitable organization, based in Hyannis, that serves people of all ages from Cape Cod and the Islands who are facing some of life's most difficult challenges. For more than 60 years the CCCC has assisted low-income individuals and families without regard for religious affiliation. It does so by maintaining six different programs including A Baby Center, Covenant to Care for Foster Families, Faith Family Kitchen, Hands of Hope Food Pantry and Outreach Center, Homeless Ministries, and Hospital Chaplaincy. Further information about the individual programs will be provided in future issues of this newsletter. A wide network of churches from many denominations supports the work of the CCCC.
Participating churches appoint or elect up to two representatives, or Delegates, who report back to their home churches on the activities of the Council. Falmouth Congregational Church (FCC) has supported the work of the CCCC for many years. Current Delegates are Lee Anne Campbell and Carole Lyons (who represents the Outreach Committee). Rev. Jonathan Drury has been on the Board of Directors for a number of years and is now serving his third year as Board President. Director of Christian Education, Danielle Dallis, worked closely with the CCCC Homeless Ministries Program’s Youth Street Reach to support the breakfast events held in Hyannis and to offer two of them at FCC in 2023. Danielle and Laura Cole are Foster Family Liaisons for the Council’s Covenant to Care for Foster Families program, and Laura serves on the Advisory Committee for that program. In 2024, Matt Keeling was elected to the CCCC’s Committee on Development and Finance, and Dr. Olivia Masih White joined the Nominating Committee. With thanks to YOU (the Church congregation) and your generosity, the Outreach Committee of FCC gives regular financial contributions to one or more of the CCCC’s programs throughout the year. In 2023, FCC’s Outreach Committee responded to the Council’s “Call to Action” for donations of supplies and essential goods for the immigrant families first placed at Joint Base Cape Cod (among other locations). Judy Durham, Outreach Committee Chairperson, was directly involved in collecting and delivering YOUR donations of clothing and other supplies. In addition, The Women’s Union of FCC makes periodic financial contributions to a variety of organizations, often including one or more programs of the CCCC.
The Board of Deacons is responsible for the sanctuary and the activities that take place there. We are all very proud of our beautiful sanctuary. The following members serve on the Board of Deacons this year: John Honey, Chairman; Wil Bindler Desbien Vice Chairman; Ed Jackson, Secretary; Joanne Blum-Carnevale, Treasurer; Martine Bindler Desbiens; Grace Day; Sally Hawksworth; Nancy Hussey; Ernie Kirsch; Don Lans; Bob McGowen; Deb O'Neil; Evelyn Johnson while not a Deacon is the Chair of the Membership Subcommittee.
The Board of Deacons is now responsible for the Altar Flowers. Joanne Blum-Carnevale has taken on that responsibility. Please contact her if you want to donate flowers for a Sunday worship service.
We made a slight modification to the procedure or serving Communion to speed up the process. Did you notice the change?
The Board of Deacons is responsible for recruiting Ushers, Greeters, and a Lay Reader for the Sunday and other services.
We have a signup board outside the church office. Please volunteer. That will make our job a lot easier.
We will provide a photo of the Board to appear in next months The Good News.
After an exciting and fun RISE Against Hunger event, we want to thank all of you who volunteered or donated to help make it a success. It’s now time to turn to our spring activities.
Please mark your calendars for May 19th, our annual HAC walk. Please register and sign up to join us as part of the FCC Team. Once again, our church has agreed to be a Beam sponsor, donating $1,500. Registration for the Walk for Hope is now open.
The link is:
Just scroll down and push “Join the Team”. If you should have any questions, please contact Carole Lyons at:
The Outreach Committee met in March and voted to make these donations. A donation of $1500 was approved to support HAC (Housing Assistance Corporation).
In addition, a donation of $1000 was approved for Recovery Without Walls.
This organization is the only “all women’s program for substance abuse disorders on Cape Cod.” Another donation was voted on to go to Celebrations 2024 which sponsors the after Prom, all night event which is “safe, drug and alcohol free,” for Junior and Senior classes.
Thank you for your continued support of these important ministries.
After a meeting on Sunday, March 10, the Music Committee needed to prepare for the upcoming performance on Palm Sunday, as well as to think about future events and performances that they might sponsor. So far, there has been one application for an organist, and we all know that it will be a great relief to our Music Director when we find someone to help shoulder the burden of both directing and playing accompaniment at the same time.
Nonetheless, our Maestro John Dulina single handedly carried off a most successful rendition of The Crucifixion on Palm Sunday, March 24. The Choir practiced diligently for many weeks, and we had three fine soloists, our esteemed Reverend, Jonathan Drury, Greg Mills, and Steve Birmingham. The music was emotional and somber, as is the intent of this dark time. A good number of guests attended the performance, and all comments were highly positive. Choir music for Easter includes a Spiritual and the Hallelujah Chorus.
Please see survey results on our website:
Go to Worship and Music Tab and Music Survey will be there in the drop down.
The Nominating Committee is charged with filling all positions on Boards and Committees as well as officers of the church. The work is ongoing throughout the year filling newly occurring vacancies on Committees as well as identifying potential members to be asked to serve in future years. Keeping in mind the talents needed by specific Boards and Committees, this Committee seeks to find members with talents and interests which will ensure the smooth operation of the church.
The Nominating Committee will begin its work in earnest closer to the next Annual Meeting to be held in January, 2025.
Good News From Stewardship
It was a Sunday in October, the middle of our 2024 pledge drive, and I was 3,186 miles away on the other coast in Cayucos,CA. Being chairman of Stewardship I was concerned, but I was confident in the committee and just wondering how things were going, hoping for success. I stepped out of the hotel for some fresh air and I saw this tiny little community church in the fog.
A positive sign to be shared with you all as well as this Good News! We had a very successful campaign and exceeded our goal of $230,000! We’ve had a greater than 95% pick up of pledge cards and almost 100% return pledges with a few new ones! More good news, pledge payments to date are above last year! This is truly a testament to how much we value our church and the benefits it brings to the community!
We thank you all for your support with your treasure, time, and talent to make so many things possible, not just on Sunday! Just a side note, as we enter into this spring season, let us be sure to check in on those we haven’t seen for a while. We will begin to plan for our 2025 drive and we continually appreciate suggestions offered. Please see one of the committee members.
Steeple Project Update--
The Trustees would like you to know . . .
The church will continue to seek funding from the town's Community Preservation Fund for a major rehabilitation of our historic steeple. The project aims to provide greater interior stability for the structure and a more secure fastening base for the exterior architectural woodwork. The Community Preservation Committee (CPC) has asked that we explore options that would enable us to preserve more of the distinctive exterior woodwork. As this will require a new engineering study, our upcoming request to the CPC, to be submitted in early August, will likely include funds for both the new study and the rehabilitation work itself. If you'd like more information, please contact Trustee Greg Mills at
The Reception Committee invites everyone to join the fun and fellowship at coffee hour every Sunday after church. Members of our committee serve coffee and fruit juice punch each Sunday after church. Additional food is provided by other committees of the church on a rotating basis. For the month of March, we thank the Christian Education Committee for supplying the extra goodies.
And a big thank you to Louise Miller of the Reception Committee for organizing and serving the coffee hours for all of the March Sundays. We also thank the many volunteers that step up to help when needed.The pictures above are from the coffee hour after the Palm Sunday service.
Cape Cod is a special place, and we are unique in the way we support and encourage each other. There is a down-home, intentional quality to our interactions with each other—at coffee shops, grocery stores, on our quaint main streets, and our places of worship. We know each other by name, and have weathered hurricanes, road races and summ
Cape Cod is a special place, and we are unique in the way we support and encourage each other. There is a down-home, intentional quality to our interactions with each other—at coffee shops, grocery stores, on our quaint main streets, and our places of worship. We know each other by name, and have weathered hurricanes, road races and summer traffic together. Even through the worst of the COVID pandemic, we found ways to support and strengthen each other. At Belonging to Each Other, caring for our community and each other is at the heart of our mission. We believe that the most vulnerable members of our community deserve the very best of our humanity. You believe that, too. That is why we purchased the Seven-bedroom Flynn House. Owning Flynn will allow us to continue to offer support and guidance to our neighbors in need as they transition to stable housing. BTEO program has relied upon the winter rental market for too long; a permanent, safe and welcoming place will allow us to help and advocate for our homeless neighbors.
“It’s scary how quickly things can go south. After a series of terrible events,
BTEO provided me with a soft place to fall, swooped in and scooped me up. It
was so much more than just a roof over my head.”— says a recent BTEO client.
Our campaign to raise these funds, “Honoring Our Past-Building Our Future,” began last spring, and I am a
“It’s scary how quickly things can go south. After a series of terrible events,
BTEO provided me with a soft place to fall, swooped in and scooped me up. It
was so much more than just a roof over my head.”— says a recent BTEO client.
Our campaign to raise these funds, “Honoring Our Past-Building Our Future,” began last spring, and I am astounded by the generosity and support from both the Falmouth community and across the Cape. Beginning with the $300,000 challenge grant from the William and Linda Zammer Foundation and a $350,000 ARPA grant from Barnstable County, we have raised $1,000,000. Donations arrive from small donors, like the fourth graders at East Falmouth Elementary School, to The Cape Cod Five Foundation, and faith-based organizations like ours across the Falmouth area. We at BTEO are grateful for the generosity we have witnessed and are so close to our goal of $1,300,000. We need your help to complete this project and help our
neighbors transition from homelessness to secure housing.Together, we can help turn lives around. Please join me in making the vision of our own home for our guests a reality. Consider a transformational gift today that will help us reach our goal for the future. No gift is too little, and a small monthly gift makes a huge impact without upending your budget!
With deep gratitude, Elyse DeGroot, Director of Development, BTEO
Donate online at or mail your check to: BTEO Comprehensive Campaign, PO BOX 343 Falmouth, MA 02541
The Woman's Union invites all women of the church to attend it's meeting on Wednesday, April 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the church hall. The speaker will be Candice Geers, Director of Neighborhood Falmouth. She will discuss the program which offers rides, and help with bookkeeping, yard maintenance, emergency pet care, programs of interest, etc. Bring a sandwich or salad and stay for lunch. Coffee, tea, and dessert will be provided. Please sign up on the Woman's Union clipboard.
We are a welcoming and supportive group who gather in prayer on behalf of others. In addition, we come together for quiet listening and reflection. We seek to discern the work of God's love and inspiration in our day to day lives. The group meets every Tuesday morning from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the church parlor.
After a meeting on Sunday, March 10, the Music Committee needed to prepare for the upcoming performance on Palm Sunday, as well as to think about future events and performances that they might sponsor. So far, there has been one application for an organist, and we all know that it will be a great relief to our Music Director when we find someone to help shoulder the burden of both directing and playing accompaniment at the same time.
Nonetheless, our Maestro John Dulina single handedly carried off a most successful rendition of The Crucifixion on Palm Sunday, March 24. The Choir practiced diligently for many weeks, and we had three fine soloists, our esteemed Reverend, Jonathan Drury, Greg Mills, and Steve Birmingham. The music was emotional and somber, as is the intent of this dark time. A good number of guests attended the performance, and all comments were highly positive. Choir music for Easter includes a Spiritual and the Hallelujah Chorus.
Please see survey results on our website:
Go to Worship and Music Tab and Music Survey will be there in the drop down.
The Nominating Committee is charged with filling all positions on Boards and Committees as well as officers of the church. The work is ongoing throughout the year filling newly occurring vacancies on Committees as well as identifying potential members to be asked to serve in future years. Keeping in mind the talents needed by specific Boards and Committees, this Committee seeks to find members with talents and interests which will ensure the smooth operation of the church.
The Nominating Committee will begin its work in earnest closer to the next Annual Meeting to be held in January, 2025.
Guided Meditation every Friday night from 6:00-6:30 p.m. in the church parlor
Relax, Unwind and Breathe
This very important group meets regularly the second Tuesday of every month in the meeting room of the church. We discuss loss and work to support one another in a non-clinical way. Loss comes in many forms and this group welcomes new members as we continue to walk in a journey of healing from loss.
Join us to see Falmouth Theater Guild's production of the musical "Willie Wonka" on Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 p.m. at the Highfield Theater. Unlike the recent movie, this musical play has a large cast of singers and dancers and will feature songs such as "The Candy Man" and "Pure Imagination". Sit back, relax, and enjoy an afternoon of music and laughs. Tickets will be available from Bette at the theater at 1:30 p.m. on April 28.
All members of the church are invited to attend the Book Discussion Club which meets the 4th Monday of the month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the parlor. On April 29 we will discuss "The Pirate's Wife" by Daphne Geanacopoulas. The attendees choose the books to be discussed and we use book club questions to enhance the conversation. You are welcome to attend to discuss a particular book or to join the group on a regular basis. Please sign on the Book Discussion clipboard if you plan to attend. Call Bette West if you have any questions.
The Men's Group consists of members and friends of the church who meet socially twice a month to discuss items of interest over coffee and a little nourishment. It meets in the meeting room the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. Participants can attend in person or by zoom. Most members attend in person with ten to fifteen participants.
The programs are run by the members and deal with current events, work experiences, and recent visits to interesting places. Most meetings last about an hour but the room is reserved for half hour longer in case discussion is extended. The group does not meet in July and August. There is a lunch scheduled for the third Tuesday of December and June at a local restaurant. Women are included at some meetings depending on the subject. Attendance is open to church members and others. .
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Join Us for Spring Sing!
On Saturday, April 27, 10 fantastic acappella groups from throughout the country will gather for their annual concert called Spring Sing. The event will take place from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at FIrst Congregational Church in Falmouth (68 Main St,, Falmouth). Admission is free but donations at the door are welcome.
Seating is based on church capacity. For more information:
Start your spring cleaning now as you gather items for our annual sale which will
take place on Saturday, May 4 from 9:00-1:00 p.m.
The following items-which should be clean and in very good condition, will be
acceptable for the sale.
Clothing- Items for men, women, and teens (no children's clothing)-including
coats, jackets, blouses, shirts, shoes, especially spring and summer clothes.
Jewelry, scarves, pocketbooks, purses, and other fashion accessories.
Household items-knick-knacks, pots and pans, dishware, bakeware, silverware,
decorative vases, and collectibles.
Towels, spreads, sheets, pillows, bath mats, yarn and ribbons.
***Items can come into the church from 9:00-3:00 p.m. on 4/24/24, 4/25/24 and
If you come in using the door across from our playground you can go directly
into the building and turn to the right.The door will be labeled. If you need to
use the elevator you may but just know you will need to go all the way down the
hall across from the music room to the labeled door. ON 4/27/24 NO collections can be brought in as the whole church is being utilized by an a cappella group (listed in events below).
Collections can resume 4/28/24 and 4/29/24 until noon whereupon no more
collections will take place.
Good News from the “Plant Table Team” Heads up! Keep your eyes open and your trowel in hand! The “Plant Table Team” is already planning our displays for our always popular plant table at the Rummage Sale on Saturday May 4th. As you start to clean up your gardens this spring, keep us in mind by looking for any perennials that you could divide and contribute to the sale. We are looking for donations of annuals, perennials, small shrubs, seeded vegetable plants, and herbs (no house plants!). Donations can be dropped directly to the plant table in the lobby outside of Fellowship Hall from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday, 4/29/24 through Thursday, 5/2/24 the week of the sale. (PLEASE no Friday deliveries because that is our pricing and set up day.) If you have a green thumb or just an interest in gardening, we invite you to join us at our table on May 4th ! For questions contact Bobbie Miner or Debbie O’Neil, Plant Sale Co-Chairs.
Beth Rockwell - Pigeon at the Pantheon oil on canvas 8x10
The church has given the artistic community great support. Painting classes have grown tremendously, and two are now offered, Intermediate and Advanced painting class Tuesdays and Beginning on Thursdays. We have a number of talented Artists who have a great time getting together and sharing ideas and friendly critiques. We had a very successful art show in the church Fellowship Hall last year and we're looking forward to another one this year.
The Good Shepherd Program continues in the memory of Bruce Haslun, a
member of the church who encouraged us to care for one another through the
cooking of meals. We continue to cook monthly as needed to assist in preparing meals for caregivers, those who are homebound, and struggling community members who enter our church. Meals are prepared under serve-safe supervision to ensure safe and healthful meals. This group is kept to about six people in order to work within the physical space of our kitchen. You may reach out to
The Mahjong Group meets 10:30am to 12 or 12:30pm on Tuesdays in the
Fellowship Hall. No sign-up necessary; come when you can. The group is open to the public; many of our regular attendees are not members of the church. If anyone is interested in learning to play, we could schedule a teaching session. Please contact Ann Stone and Carol JC Mills at
Is a group of men and women that meets throughout the year at the church on
Tuesday's from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to work on items for the church fair.
Everyone is welcome and asked to bring a sandwich.
Dessert and beverage are
Any project can be worked on.
We can provide yarn and fabric and
also provide instruction if desired.
All are welcome.
Takes place at the church on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Playtime Community Playgroup meets Wednesdays (September through May each year), 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Toddler/ Preschool classroom. Open to the community, there is no cost to attend, no registration required-drop in anytime. Parents/grandparents/caregivers and children aged infant-4 years are welcome. Bring a coffee and come for a chat while the kids have fun! Follow us on Facebook: Playtime Community Playgroup.
First Congregational Church of Falmouth
68 Main Street
Falmouth, MA