Rev. Drury's Message
I believe in a God who loves all of us, even those people who do not know God or love God. I believe we are entrusted to God’s care, just as we have been entrusted to care for the world. I believe our God has called us to open wide the doors of the churches, wide enough to welcome everyone. And in particular, we should welcome people who we might not agree with so we can meet them and talk with them and discover we are not so different after all. I believe in inclusivity, I believe in extravagant welcome, and I believe the people outside of our churches will recognize we are Christians by the truth of God’s Word and the proof of our love.
As Christians, we are called to extend love to the people around us. To all of the people around us. To everyone! Both our brothers and sisters beside us in the pews, and our brothers and sisters who may choose to never cross the threshold of the church. If we follow the teachings of Jesus, it means we should help carry the weight of life’s burden for one another. I am so grateful we have been called to share our journeys with one another, and I am so glad to be walking by your side. I know when I stumble you will reach out to steady me. And if you need to lean on me, I will stay strong for you. Together we will work side by side tending the Garden and building the Kingdom. We are in these lives together with God, and we are blessed. This is the Good News!
Go now and live,
Board of Deacons
We celebrate the life of Tom Haynes who passed last weekend. Tom did much for this church including Chairing the Deacons and serving as the Moderator. He was a great inspiration to us all. We will miss him.
John Honey, Chairman
Stewardship Committee
When given a choice to either fly somewhere or walk, I would easily choose the latter. However, not given such an option, I found myself at O'Hare airport on concourse B and needed to get to F. I had a 1.5 hour layover so at a brisk walk I figured I would just make the boarding time. My head was swirling with thoughts and I had paused to gather them together, much like carrying a box of thoughts in manilla folders and I just dropped them down some stairs...I was befuddled. Then, in time of despair, I looked up and saw this sign. Maybe nothing, maybe a "Divine nudge." To me it was a reminder to take care of big things first, the smaller ones will fall into place, with some adjustments. As we enter into Aug enjoy life, entertain family and friends, and just remember, you are the church's "agent"! Pass it on...
-Bob Heller
Music Committee
Music Committee Report, July 2024
The Music Committee met before the Choir gathered to practice for its only Summer performance on Sunday, July 28. The next Sunday we sing will be the day after Labor Day, September 8.
For other Sundays during the Summer there will be hired musicians as well as some of our own Choir members collaborating to present music. Hyannis Sound performed on June 16th for the Picnic, and was well received. On Sunday, Aug. 4, Brennan Carlson will be playing guitar and Laura Cole will be the vocalist. Sunday Aug. 1, will feature music from Godspell, sung by tenors Rev. Drury and Bill Ball. Because of the road race on Sunday the 18th, there will be a flute violin duo on Saturday the 17th. And last but not least, on Sunday the 25th of August, Jolie Drury will be the soloist.
We reviewed details about our successful Patriotic Hymn Sing on July 5. Over a hundred attendees turned out to participate, and we definitely consider this an event to hold again next year and have as an annual date on our calendar. We are already thinking of ways to make it even better in years to come.
Lee Drescher
The Trustees will submit a funding application on August 7 to Falmouth's Community Preservation Committee for additional architectural and engineering assessments of our steeple. This work will be conducted in early 2025 if the funding is approved.
Please contact Greg Mills if you'd like further information.
From: Dennis McGillicuddy
Thank you to all who provided input to the FCC Capital Projects Survey last month. By now you should have received a copy of the report, if not please reach out and we will get one to you. A brief summary follows below. We emphasize that this survey is far from the final word on any of the initiatives under consideration. It is intended to be the first step in an open and transparent process for the Congregation to discern its priorities in caring for our beloved church. Continued input and dialog are most welcome!
Summary of recommendations from the FCC Capital Projects Survey:
Support for air conditioning warrants proceeding with a detailed design phase that will include engineering studies to provide specifications to which contractors will be invited to bid. The Board of Trustees will offer a proposal at the January 2025 Meeting on which the Congregation may vote for either or both of the Sanctuary / Fellowship Hall systems. If the Congregation approves, the goal would be to install prior to summer 2025.
Although it is not clear that exit ramps in either the Sanctuary or Fellowship Hall will have enough support to gain a majority in a Congregational vote, this is a safety issue that the Board of Trustees will continue to evaluate and perhaps bring forward at the January 2025 meeting.
It is important to note that proceeding with multiple projects in 2025 is not out of the question, insofar as the combination of capital funds from the endowment plus donations could be sufficient.
It is also worth noting that 2025 is the 50thanniversary of our church organ. This may provide a unique opportunity to gather support for that project.
Other initiatives, including the A/V system upgrades, parking entrance separation, development of the open space, and the Memorial Garden may become more appealing with further definition and design.
Although window upgrades will not likely score highly until they begin to visibly fail, the Board recognizes that waiting until that time will cost the church more money. Think of it this way: let’s treat a toothache early to avoid a painful root canal procedure later on.
Dennis McGillicuddy
FCC Board of Trustees
Dennis McGillicuddy, Chair
Cindy Hines, Vice Chair
Tom Durham, Treasurer
John Farrington
Ryan Mann
Greg Mills
Doug Osterheld
Jonathan Drury, ex officio
An Interfaith Opportunity to help the Falmouth Service Center that we hope many of you will attend!
Women's Union
The Women's Union has been taking a relaxing summer off and are looking forward to our first meeting on October 9th. We would like to invite all women of the church to join us for fellowship and planning of our new season. A big "THANK YOU" to the Friendly Circle for participating in the Falmouth Street Fair and their generous donation to the Women's Union. Let's make the 2024 - 2025 season our best ever.
Men's Group
Remember, the Men’s Group is open to all FCC men, and meets twice each month from September through June. We hope to see you in September!
Submitted by Hal Petersen
Book Discussion
Monday, September 23 at 1:00p.m. at the church
Book: "The Women" by Kristen Hannah
For more information call Bette West at 508-457-9860.
First Congregational Church of Falmouth
68 Main Street
Falmouth, MA