The First Congregational Church of Falmouth will again be participating in Rise Against Hunger's Pathways to End Hunger.
Please join us on March 8, 2025 from 1 PM to 3 PM. Click here to sign up to volunteer to pack meals and/or to make a donation.
According to Rise Against Hunger's website, "Rise Against Hunger’s Pathways to End Hunger model aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), primarily #2 Zero Hunger and #4 Quality Education." They target "last-mile communities within hunger pockets designated 'serious' or higher on the Global Hunger Index, which are the hardest places to reach and are often difficult to access, lack communication, and have poor infrastructure." The way they do this is through providing food to those communities until they can build up their local food systems. In 2024, volunteers from the First Congregational Church family packaged over 10,000 meals! It starts with a meal.
The First Congregational Church of Falmouth Supports Rise Against Hunger