The First Congregational Church in Falmouth MA offers a unique opportunity for a gifted organist and pianist. The music program consists of an Adult Choir with approximately 30 voices. Choir rehearsals, on Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., are a mandatory part of the organist position. The choir sings during Sunday services approximately 42 weeks out of the year (September through Memorial Day). The current Music Director will maintain the position of conductor and can fill in as substitute organist. Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday will be required services, all other Sundays are negotiable. An average Sunday service contains 2-3 hymns and one anthem accompanied on organ or piano. In addition, the choir has performed large scale works by Rutter, Vivaldi, Stainer and others.
The church has a 40 rank Austin Pipe Organ and a Steinway Grand in the sanctuary. Other instruments include three upright pianos, a Steinway Grand in the Fellowship Hall, a 4-octave White Chapel handbell set and an Allen practice organ in the music room.
Current stipend will be $150.00 p/service regardless if it’s a rehearsal or service and all instruments are available for practice, teaching, coaching. Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall are also available for recitals and performances. Weddings and Funerals at the church pay in the range of $200 - $300, and will be offered as first right of refusal.
Come join us at Katharine Lee Bates’s childhood church!
To inquire or to set up an interview please contact Jolie Drury: with the subject FCC Organist Position.